La Cave:
Cleveland's Legendary Music Club and the '60s Folk-to-Rock Revolution
by Steve Traina
In a dingy basement music club in inner-city Cleveland, something incredible happened, and kept happening throughout the ‘60s. Except it didn’t just “happen.” It was created by a slightly-built visionary named Stanley Kain, and he named this happening “La Cave.”
Stan’s vision was the future and its language was written in musical notation, fueled by post-adolescent angst amidst a backdrop of the military draft, war, race riots, and social upheaval in general. For a buck, maybe two, suburban kids, college students and other young adults could absorb the wisdom of their elders – future musical Hall of Famers, still unknown, perched behind guitars, mere feet away on a tiny stage, dispensing that wisdom with a 4/4 beat.
Performers like The Velvet Underground, Neil Young, Gordon Lightfoot, Moby Grape, The Fugs and countless others were the professors of this new ideology. Mix in political drama, street theater, psychedelic drugs and cheap beer, and you have a microcosm of 1960s America. You have La Cave. History was made nightly, and was it ever fun!

In this fascinating book from Steve Traina, you'll go on a deep-dive into the history of La Cave, the musical acts it hosted and nurtured, and explore how one humble location in the heart of Cleveland, Ohio, meant so much more than just beer and beats to an entire generation.
La Cave: Cleveland's Legendary Music Club and the '60s Folk-to-Rock Revolution is now available for purchase here, on Amazon, and on eBay. Get your copy today, have it inscribed by the author, and explore La Cave for yourself.